Steps to Accreditation
Accreditation is a three-step process. Listed below is a general overview of the procedure.
Initial Application:
- The fee for the Initial Application is $100.00 and should be sent to the TAAPS office.
- The Initial Application will be forwarded to the school from the TAAPS office. Complete the Initial Application and return to the TAAPS office.
- The Initial Application will be reviewed by the Standards Committee.
- The Initial Application will be approved, denied, or suggestions to meet standards will be communicated.
Initial Visit:
- If the Initial Application is accepted, a visiting team is assigned. The following fees are due when a visit is confirmed: $400.00 visit fee and $1000.00 deposit toward visiting team expenses.
- The school will receive a checklist to be used by the team to guide the visit along with a confirmation of the visit.
- The school will be provided with a report after the visit.
Accreditation Self-Study:
- After a successful Initial Visit, the school will receive an accreditation self study. When submitting the self study, remit the following fees to the TAAPS office: $700 nonrefundable self study fee and $1000 deposit toward visiting team expenses.
- A confirmation letter will be sent to the school with the dates and names of team members to receive copies of the self study a minimum of 30 days prior to the visit.
- The visiting team submits a report to the Executive Director. The report is then submitted to the Standards Committee with a recommendation to the board.
- The school is notified of the results.
- Approved schools will receive a certificate of accreditation.